3rd Year Completed
Congratulations to Susan Acharya, Engineer for completing 3 years at TDEG! We are proud to have her on our team.
1st Year Completed
Congratulations to Matthew Jewell, Engineer for completing his first year at TDEG! We are proud to have him on our team.
1st Year Completed
We want to celebrate Aaron Khan, Engineer, and Noah Gerner, Engineer for completing their first year at TDEG! We are proud to have them on our team.
10 Years at TDEG
Congratulations to Christian Briggs, P.E., and Jason Henion, P.E. on 10 years at TDEG! We appreciate their dedication and hard work.
Recently four TDEG associates were promoted! Please join us in congratulating them.
Science and Engineering Fair
TDEG connects with local middle school at their Science and Engineering Fair!
Feeding the Hungry
Dorothy Day Hospitality House in Danbury served 45,000 meals last year!